Assignment Description: First thing I had to do was research the 11 elements of composition. Next I took pictures of each element and uploaded them to Lastly I created a Blog at so that I could share my photos.
Photo Description:
Rule of Thirds = Girl by tree
Texture = School wall
Pattern = School celing
Symmetry = Stairs
Lines = Three flights of school stairs
Framing = Reflection in window
Perspective = Reflection of top of elevator
Space = Red stool on white wall
Balance = Hornet and basketball hoop
Color = Student art projects
What I learned: In this project I learned that to get good pictures you have to research what type of pictures you want and the best way to get them. I also learned that you should take a lot of pictures so you have a variety to choose from. Lastly I learned how to use and are two ways i can store and share my photos.